Careers and Online Careers Library

Careers and Online Careers Library

Online Careers Library

Every young person needs high-quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future. Every teacher and tutor takes responsibility for supporting students in their own individual roles.

The Careers Education Programme at Five Islands Academy aims to prepare students for the world of work and education. It is an evolving programme which is influenced by the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance, feedback from students and parents/carers, labour market information, and other aspects of Careers Advice and Guidance. It has support from Careers Hub Cornwall and the Cornwall Careers Offer, the LEAP Academy Trust, and the DfE.

For our pupils on the SEND register or those with EHCPs, we are able to offer a range of additional and bespoke levels of support. Examples of these include: 

We work closely with a range of professionals from external agencies including the Council of the Isles of Scilly Children’s Services, the Isles of Scilly SEND Employment Forum, YEP, United Response and Cornwall Council. This partnership working allows us to help our young people to find the best pathway for them. 

It is important that through all of this, the pupil’s voice is the most important and that they are included in all aspects of planning for their future. Our mainstream offer for post-16 support, preparation and transition, including visits to Post- 16 providers, is fully inclusive and reasonable adjustments are made to ensure all of our pupils are given equity of opportunity. 

Tim Garratt is our Careers and Aspirations Lead at Five Islands Academy and works with a great team of talented people to provide independent advice and guidance for our students. Among other activities, Tim organises Year 10 Work Experience and a College Trip (PP16) to the mainland for FIA Year 10 students.

Lindsay Masters is a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser appointed by Mounts Bay Academy and she works with the Five Islands Academy providing careers information, advice, guidance and support for students in Years 7 – 11. On the Mainland, within the Leading Edge Academy, Lindsay works to develop the Careers Education Programme, to organise career fairs and visits from employers, colleges and training providers, to help inform young people about the world of work. In addition, on the Mainland, Lindsay is responsible for the Work Experience programme for Year 10’s and for supporting Key Stage Option choices for Years 9 and 11.

Penny Rogers is our Careers Officer/Careers Librarian who has a wealth of knowledge and experience at her fingertips. Among other Careers activities she looks after the Careers Library and Online Careers Library, and organises Careers Week and the Careers Convention.

There is a small Careers Library in school and resources and links in our Online Careers Library are available to support students and parents/carers with their research at Students and parents/carers can also request information, advice and guidance direct from our dedicated adviser Lindsay Masters

Summary of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

Contact Details

Penny Rogers – Careers Officer and Convention Organiser

Lindsay Masters – Careers Advisor

Information Websites

A guide for parents and carers – Careers decisions in secondary education