Guide for Revision
Preparing for your exams can help you achieve the results you want. Here is some advice to help you get revising.
Revision tips
Everyone has their own approach to revising and there isn’t a ‘best way’ or a secret trick. You are the one taking the exam, so do some research to find what works for you. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Before Revising
- Start planning far ahead of your exams so you can give yourself enough time to get through all your work.
- Make a note of all important dates – when assessments are due, exam dates and commitments like work shifts or sports.
- Set long-term and short-term goals to clarify what you want to achieve. Work out your revision plan and use a planner to help you stay on track; this way you can include time for other commitments and well-deserved breaks. Research shows that learning is much more effective when spaced out over stretches of time.
- Declutter your study space so you can work comfortably and concentrate. You might find it helpful to remove all distractions from your study area.
- Gather your study resources and revision tools in one place. You will find subject specifications, past papers and supporting materials very useful. Also ask your subject teachers for specific revision tasks or resources.
During Revision
- It’s easier to remember information from shorter study sessions than one long one so take a few short breaks during your study sessions.
- Use practical memory aids where you can; flash cards, infographics, mind maps, videos.
- Explain key points to another person. Teaching is a good way to remember key facts.
- Test yourself and ask someone to test you – try online tests and games.
- Recognise your achievements along the way and celebrate reaching your revision milestones.
Stay Motivated
Staying motivated can be one of the biggest obstacles to studying and revising. Here are some tips on how to achieve your revision goals.
- Set scheduled breaks alongside your revision targets. This will give you something to work towards and keep you focused.
- Finish your household chores first so you’re not tempted to use them as an excuse for avoiding revision.
- Remove distractions – block your ‘go to’ websites, deactivate gaming or social accounts and turn off your phone. As a reward, access these once you achieve set revision tasks.
- Try the ‘ransom technique’ – ask your parents to keep your favourite things until you have completed agreed tasks or specific parts of your revision.
Keep Healthy
It’s important to be healthy and maintain some balance during your revision and exams. Eat well and drink plenty of water as this will keep you feeling alert, and include some physical activities in your breaks.
Before Your Exam
You might find ‘So it’s exam day’ helpful as it includes useful information about preparing for your exam.