iPad Information

iPad Expectations

The ‘iPads FAQs’ document below sets out our key expectations for iPad use by Secondary students. These are designed to ensure that students use the iPads safely and that they promote excellent learning, not distraction.

Online Learning: Problem Solving

Getting Started

1. Activate your iPad

If your iPad shows the Welcome Screen in different languages then it must be activated before it can be used.

2. Put your name on your charger

Your iPad charger must have your name on. You can write your name on with a marker pen, or attach a sticker or a label.

3. Proxy Authentication Required

When you see this message you’ll need to sign in with your laptop username and password. Tap the SETTINGS button below the message, then type your username (e.g. for students p1234, or for staff joebloggs) and your password.

4. Setting up Email, Calendar, Contacts and Google apps

You’ll need to add your Google account in the SETTINGS app, and then sign into each of the Google apps (Drive, docs etc.)

5. Signing into iCloud

In order to use the Apple apps (Pages, iMovie etc.) you’ll need to sign in with your school Apple ID, which will be created for you and emailed to you. Do not sign into iCloud with a personal Apple ID (if you have already signed in with a personal Apple ID then please sign back out again).

Learning to use your iPad

Tutorial: iPad Basics

This tutorial gives an introduction to the iPad, including using the keyboard, browsing the web, managing notifications, using the mail, contacts and calendar apps, setting reminders, and using the camera and photos apps:

Apple Teacher Programme

Apple Teacher is a free professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. 
