As with all students, the first point of contact is the class teacher or form tutor. This member of staff has daily contact with your child and knows him or her well. Please contact them via email. If you have a particular concern please make contact as quickly as possible so that we can respond quickly.
It’s important to share good news too, so if your child has had a positive experience in school, please let your child’s tutor or class teacher know, as we would love to celebrate that success.
Our SENDCO is Charlotte Jewell, who is based at St Mary’s Base. Charlotte can be reached by email:
The Isles of Scilly Parent Carers are an independent organisation made up of parent carers of children and young people who have additional needs/disabilities that mean they access extra services in education, health or social care.
Members are welcome from across our islands.
The Isles of Scilly Parent Carer Group aim to meet regularly to use the unique shared experiences that they have gained in raising their own families to work in partnership with all agencies responsible for providing services to children with additional needs/disabilities in the Isles of Scilly, enjoy family fun days, have social evenings out and offer a peer support network.